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Why is it beneficial to resign from applying make-up?

Why is it beneficial to resign from applying make-up?

Hello girls! Some time ago, many women resigned from applying make-up for a few days to boast about their natural complexion on Instagram. Unfortunately, I'm not such a brave female, therefore before I leave home, I always apply a concealer, a powder and a mascara. If there is a big event on the schedule, like a job interview, a date or a family gathering, I additionally apply a foundation, eyeshadows and an eyeliner. Nevertheless, I totally understand the girls who decided to hashtag their naked faces. Definitely, the greatest winner in this situation is their complexion which finally got the[…]
Feet SOS – Quick Rescue Operation in 4 Easy Steps

Feet SOS - Quick Rescue Operation in 4 Easy Steps

Regrettably, it often happens… we are busy and pressed for time, not having time for a proper foot care. Suddenly, the summer gets closer and we must expose the feet to the world… the temperature reaches 30°C. We did not have time for regular exfoliation. We did not use exfoliating socks that are not recommended for summer as they can lead to pigment changes. Moreover, the skin sheds like a snake after up to two weeks so I advise against showing the foot flakes around. We do not want to scare the society with rough and callused feet. If you[…]
Oriflame Eleo Hair Oils: 2 oils, 2 tests – my review

Oriflame Eleo Hair Oils: 2 oils, 2 tests - my review

Hey, girls! I haven’t written for a long time cause I was busy with the material for this post. I decided to take a closer look at two Oriflame hair oils. They belong to beautifully designed Eleo range. ELEO Protecting Oil works for color-treated hair whereas ELEO Smoothening Oil is designed for unruly strands; it conditions and prevents frizz and static. Apart from being color-treated (had it colored long time ago, it lost its color and shine), my hair is really irritating. There are days when I can’t handle my hairdo, hair ends get extremely frizzy – they’re simply UNMANAGEABLE.[…]
How do I take care of broken capillaries on my legs?

How do I take care of broken capillaries on my legs?

Hello Girls, I dedicate today's post to all the women who struggle with broken capillaries that appear not only on their faces. As you probably know, the red spider veins cover the entire body, including the legs. Peelings, hot baths, massages, anti-cellulite cosmetics make this condition even worse. So how should we treat leg skin so as to cope with the broken capillaries? How to exfoliate dead epidermis cells and get rid of the in-grown hair? Learn my foolproof method. Regardless of the fact whether your capillaries are broken or not, or whether you suffer from inflammation of follicles, you[…]
I love Renaissance! The Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette Review

I love Renaissance! The Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette Review

I would never think that I can be so obsessed. In general, I focus most of my attention on mascara or contouring palettes rather than eyeshadows. I could easily get by just having some basic "boring" shades and as a woman who is always in a hurry, always working and always exercising, I just made my eye make-up quickly and without giving it too much thought. It all changed when I lay my hands on Anastasia Beverly Hills eyeshadow palette. I am talking about Modern Renaissance. Now, my make-up relives its renaissance. I cannot ignore these beautiful colours. I constantly[…]
Oops!…, I did it again. How to change the shade of a mismatching make-up foundation?

Oops!..., I did it again. How to change the shade of a mismatching make-up foundation?

Hi girls! Today's post was created from the need of the moment. I encourage all interested to keep reading the article. A few days ago I was at a drug store doing shopping. Apart from an under eye cream and a moisturising face mask, I also bought... a foundation the shade of which doesn’t suit me at all. It has a yellowish tinge, makes my dehydrated epidermis and skin pores even more visible, and to make the matters even worse, I find it difficult to apply the foundation evenly. Obviously, when I applied it to my skin in the store,[…]
How do I style my fine hair? A few simple hair lifesavers

How do I style my fine hair? A few simple hair lifesavers

HELLO! If you have fine hair that is deprived of volume then you probably know that styling such hair is far from being pleasant and easy. Obviously, the easiest way of dealing with such a problem is putting the hair in a ponytail. However, for these who are against boring hairdos, let me show you a few easy ways of adding volume to hair. I tried all of them myself and they passed the exam on my head. Will you find them useful as well? Probably many of you think that thin hair doesn't need styling. I'm sure that some[…]
Get Inspired by Beauty: My HIT – Lashcode Mascara!

Get Inspired by Beauty: My HIT - Lashcode Mascara!

I love testing new cosmetic arrivals! Since Too Faced Better Than False Lashes let me down, I had a perfect excuse for trying out a new product. I would be ignorant if I hadn’t tested Lashcode mascara. What is it? Infallible mascara and delicate conditioner in one product. It beautifies with one stroke of a silicone wand and strengthens lashes while you wear it. Let’s start with my expectations towards a mascara. I divide products into two categories: the ones that work and the ones that failed. To me, a good mascara is lightweight, has an intense color; it’s easy to apply,[…]
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About me

Hi Beautiful! Welcome to my blog! I’m super happy you are here! Sit back and start the journey through beauty tips, ideas and cosmetics I tested myself. I hope you’ll enjoy the trip.

Buckle up and let the beauty adventure begin!
