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Dabur Amla hair oil – Why I WOULDN’T recommend this product

Dabur Amla hair oil - Why I WOULDN’T recommend this product

Hey girls, Today I'm going to complain a little bit and moan. And this moaning doesn't only concern a cosmetic. I'm going to beef about the girls who are so desperate in this beauty race that they don't hesitate to reach for desperate means to achieve their goal. And by saying 'desperate' I mean: Applying this green oddity which is Dabur Amla hair oil. Zonking out because of this hideous smell and then...  ... singing paean of thanks on beauty blogs. For me it looks as if suddenly all hair care products disappeared and you had to reach for green[…]
My tips on getting smooth legs. How to remove unwanted hair?

My tips on getting smooth legs. How to remove unwanted hair?

Hello girls, It can’t be denied, the summer is knocking at the door. Soon we are going to put on airy dresses and short skirts. However, before we do that we need to remove hair from our legs. How to do this in the right way? And what are my favourite ways to get rid of the hair? That's what you are going to read about in my today's entry. HAIR REMOVER CREAM In my opinion, it's the best solution for those who have difficulties with using a razor or wax. Sadly enough, creams aren't recommended for people whose skin[…]
My way to obtain smooth legs: sugar peeling, brush and depilatory

My way to obtain smooth legs: sugar peeling, brush and depilatory

Hello there, Summer has come along so it's high time to shave, apply wax and remove hair. During this hot season, you need to have your legs smooth 24 hours a day! What for? Simply you will be far from looking attractive if you restrain from doing so. Imagine the combination of a beautiful, designer's dress and legs that haven't been shaved precisely, or even worse, imagine you wearing a swim suit or a bikini with your legs unshaved! Therefore, thanks to this post, you're going to learn my method of unwanted hair removal. If you find my pieces of[…]
Slice Mask Sheet – The successor of sheet masks?

Slice Mask Sheet - The successor of sheet masks?

With a persistence of a maniac, I follow all the Korean beauty trends. I passionately buy all the Asian cosmetics via Chinese auction websites. I just love the moment of surprise when I find something truly amazing, innovative and creative, something I could never buy here. I admit to being a fan of Korean cosmetics. A few weeks ago I ordered something new – Slice Mask Sheet, and it just arrived. Under such circumstances, I will do the test and be back on my blog in a jiff to share the results and my opinion with you. But first few[…]
My way to apply eyebrow makeup

My way to apply eyebrow makeup

Hello! Do you define your eyebrows so sharply the way many celebrities and bloggers tend to do it? And do you look as they do? I mean, do you wear the eyebrows that look as if they were drawn and enter the forehead skin area? If yes then you have to stop doing so immediately! Why? Mind you, natural look is what suits girls best! Obviously, it doesn't mean that you should resign from applying makeup completely. In today's post you're going to find a few useful items of information concerning doing professional eyebrow makeup. Enjoy the reading! Before you[…]
Shine like a diamond. My way for shiny make-up

Shine like a diamond. My way for shiny make-up

No, I don’t want to convince you to start wearing strongly glittery make-up instead of its nude version. I'm not even an avid supporter of shiny make-up but I bet you already know this by reading my previous posts. I have come around the thought that if applied it in the right way, luminizing face make-up can make us look younger and add natural charm to our appearance. Is there anything else you would possibly want to achieve in the field of make-up? Let me introduce you to my short How-To Manual concerning the skilful use of a highlighter and[…]
How to find this perfect shade of blonde? Simple methods!

How to find this perfect shade of blonde? Simple methods!

All blondes join! My blonde hair is my personal choice. My natural hair is auburn and it took me quite some time to get to my current colour. The crying along the way is mine to remember for all those tries with shades of blonde that did not suit me. As it turns out, the decision about going platinum blonde was not the best decision made by me. I haven't recognised the fact that shades of blonde choice should be based on something rather than chosen at random and as a result, my new hairdo was not flattering. I lived[…]
I’ve fallen in love with clay! Let yourself feel the power of minerals too!

I've fallen in love with clay! Let yourself feel the power of minerals too!

Cosmetic clay powder – it’s an enriched with minerals natural cosmetic of blissful action delivered to our skin. Because of the great amount of clays available, we can state clearly that Mother Nature is generous since it equipped us a wide range of this organic cosmetic. The point often overlooked is that clay has been used since time immemorial. Taking advantage of this cosmetic isn't as new as we consider it to be especially by looking at the offers of SPA salons and other beauty parlours. As it's typical for natural body care treatments, application of clay powder was inspired[…]
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About me

Hi Beautiful! Welcome to my blog! I’m super happy you are here! Sit back and start the journey through beauty tips, ideas and cosmetics I tested myself. I hope you’ll enjoy the trip.

Buckle up and let the beauty adventure begin!
