How to take care of sensitive skin? Useful tricks and principles of at-home care


Sensitive skin care may be very problematic. It reacts negatively to the majority of stimuli coming from the external environment, improper care and even stress. If you have this type of complexion, then you probably often get the feeling of itching or pinching, you can see how your face is red and the skin peels off. So how to take care of such a sensitive skin?


This is both about drinking non-carbonated water and eating foods that will provide the body with water and other nutrients. They may be sea fish (mackerel, pollock, salmon), walnuts, pumpkin seeds, avocados or linseed, which contain fatty acids. If you do not eat properly, your skin will become rough, dull and damaged. The protective lipid coat will be weakened and the complexion – exposed to free radicals and aging.


Cleansing, peeling and make-up removal are the basic principles in the care of sensitive skin. For these treatments make sure to use unscented, hypoallergenic and natural cosmetics, without alcohol and synthetic substances. You are not allowed to sleep without doing makeup removal, toning the skin and applying a moisturizing cream. Particular attention should be paid to the skin around the eyes, which is the most delicate and the most sensitive. Use gentle preparations with natural ingredients to remove makeup from this part of the face.


How often you change and at what temperature you wash bedding and towels also affect the condition of the skin. Bacteria and mites multiply in moist and dirty cloths. When putting your head on the pillow or wiping your face with a towel, you carry germs onto your skin which can later lead to irritation or disease. The fabrics from which your clothes are made also play a significant role. It should be a breathable and fully skin-safe cotton.


For sensitive skin, the best solution is to use mineral cosmetics. The products contain natural ingredients that nurture the skin. They are completely safe, do not cause an allergic reaction and can cope with imperfections of the sensitive skin. Many brands that offer mineral cosmetics include all those products that you would normally buy in a drugstore. Thanks to them, you will make professional and complete make-up.


Air humidifiers, green plants and avoiding stressful situations will help you with sensitive skin care. If you set the right level of humidity at home, the condition of the sensitive skin will improve immediately. Green plants purify the air and produce oxygen, and their beautiful appearance calms and relaxes. Stressful situations, however, significantly affect the condition of the skin. Just relax, and your complexion will become more beautiful and healthier.