Hello Girls,
They appear on legs and cleavage, yet they disturb us most when start blemishing our face. Do you already know what I’m talking about? This short description is about broken capillaries, commonly called red spider veins. Check out how to prevent and heal them up.
Red spider veins – Why do they appear?
The truth is, there are countless of reasons why spider veins come into existence. The most frequent ones are ageing, genes and hormones. With age skin becomes thinner and thinner as the walls of blood vessels are getting weaker and weaker. They are no longer able to contract and enlarge as fast as they used to. As a result, they remain enlarged and easy-to-notice through the thin dermis layer. It’s also proven that red spider veins are typical for people whose ancestors were afflicted with this ailment. Therefore, if you notice these skin imperfections on your mother’s body, it’s highly possible that you will also get them soon as well. Broken capillaries can also appear during adolescence, pregnancy or menopause period. At these stages hormone level is unbalanced and this leads to, among others, worsened dermis condition.
Can broken capillaries be healed with diet?
Yes and no. No, because diet rich in vitamins itself isn’t enough. Yes, because many food products contain substances that reinforce walls of blood vessel cells. What should be eaten to have beautiful skin? Consume huge amounts of products containing vitamin C, and these are blackberry, citruses, strawberries, tomatoes, spinach and brussels sprout. Skin condition is also positively influenced due to vitamin B6 that is present in milk, eggs, brown rice as well as hazel and walnuts. However, above all, its vitamin K that is the most important for blood vessels. You can find it in avocado, cabbage, broccoli and lettuce. Additionally, don’t refrain from eating products rich in zinc, copper, selenium and vitamin E. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and hot species since they are responsible for enlarging blood vessels.
Hot and cold
Also, rapid temperature fluctuations aren’t beneficial for the sake of capillaries skin. Both hot sun rays as well as cold winter wind cause fast contraction and enlargement of blood vessels. Hence, sun and low temperature protection is so crucial. In the summer use sunscreens featuring SPF 30 or higher. During winter cover your face with dense creams that are enriched with moisturising and nourishing substances.
Preventing and healing of capillaries
Every single day treat your skin with creams containing vitamins K, PP and C as well as allantoin, panthenol, aloe, chestnut and gingko biloba. These substances reinforce blood vessel walls, reduce red spider veins and deliver relief to irritated skin. Visible red spider veins can also be removed thanks to laser. This luminous energy transforms into warmth which destroys enlarged blood vessels. Owning to laser, skin wins its natural tone back.
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